Get Your Showroom On Your Website

From Hearths to Hot Tubs, empowering dealers to sell more products.

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Take Advantage of
Your Digital Storefront

We found the average user stays on a dealer's website ~500% longer with dynamic inventory. Our platform integrates your inventory with your website and digital marketing campaigns.

Dynamic Inventory

With our dynamic inventory search tool, customers can search for specific brands, sizes, features, and much more! Each product you upload has a unique page that is created automatically to display all of its photos and extra details.

Digital Marketing

Our results driven marketing platform will seamlessly integrate with popular social media sites like Facebook to display your inventory to attract new customers! We use geofence targeting and AI to pinpoint your customers.

Digital Catalogs

Even if you don't have a product in stock your customers can learn about it right on your site with our digital product catalogs. These allow customers to sort and filter the products you can order across all manufacturers at once.

Even more Feature Rich

Our websites include countless features specifically designed to recreate your in-store experience through your website.

Lead Management

Lead forms are strategically placed on every page of your site to encourage your customers to reach out.

Responsive Design

Whether your customers are searching from their cell phone, tablet, or desktop, we've got you covered.

Custom Website

We will work with you to design your new website, adding the content of your current website as well as including our SEO rich template pages.

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Location Logic

Inventory is tied to each location, so your customers know where they can find each of your products.

Inventory Manager

Easily upload your new and used products to your website. Just enter the year, brand, and model and we'll autofill everything else!

Analytic Dashboard

Stay informed with your website's performance. Our customizable dashboard allows you to see the stats that are important to you.


Increase Your Leads with our Inventory Software

Spa Software Solution's mission is to increase leads and in-store sales for dealers with our innovative websites and marketing packages.

As a team of software developers, we have created lead generating tools to improve your website. We've worked alongside dealerships to ensure they are easy to use and will get people knocking down your door.

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What Clients Say?

Customer Testimonails

My website lead flow has tripled since going live and we are closing more deals due to the fantastic interface.

Contact Us Today!

(541) 422-6298